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Shane Shrestha

Mortgage Broker

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About Shane

Sahindra Shrestha (Shane) is a Mortgage Broker based in Western Sydney, NSW. He believes that success comes from working smart and dedication. Information is the key to success in finance industry, he spends loads of time on studying loan products from different banks. As they say, there is a loan for every customer, but not all customers and their needs are same. It's all about finding the right loan product and Shane is committed to help you in this regard.

Shane has developed alliance with number of Real Estate agents, Conveyancers, Solicitors, Accountants, Financial Planners. You can use this channel for your benefit.

Please do not hesitate to contact Shane to discuss the loan strategies, how you can pay loan faster without compromising your happy life. Shane is mobile, can visit your home or office for loan consultant, can serve customers from any metropolitan Sydney suburbs.

All of the services, unless informed in advance, are offered free of charge to loan customers.

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First Home Buyer Loans & Grants

Construction & Bridging Loan

Loan Refinancing including cashbacks

Property Investors

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Shane Shrestha

Mortgage Broker
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