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Talei ( T ) Owen

Mortgage Broker

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About Talei ( T )

Talei Owen is a Mortgage Broker at Owen MB based in Noosaville, QLD. With extensive experience in the industry, T has a passion for helping people with their goals and re-aligning the power imbalance for people dealing with banks.

T gained her qualifications with one of the big mortgage broking companies, so you’ll get peace of mind working with someone who knows her stuff, and friendly service without feeling like just a number.

Located in Noosa, Queensland, Talei has clients Australia-wide and loves the sun and surf lifestyle. She is an accomplished sportsperson and 3 x all-Australian, representing Australia in the first AFL women’s team in Ireland. She still loves her footy, but more so from the sideline these days.

Talei Owen is a senior mortgage broker, nMB accredited and fully accredited member of the FBAA (Finance Broker Association of Australia).

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Property Investors

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Owner Occupied Loans

Investment Properties

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Talei ( T ) Owen

Mortgage Broker
Owen MB

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